Winning Your Wife’s Love Back by Focusing on Internal Wins

Last night’s Monday Implementation call was awesome.

Lots of internal wins shared (wins you control and based on your actions) which led to external wins (wins you don’t control and based on other’s actions/words). Such wins have a huge potential to lead to gaining respect and love from one’s spouse.

These weekly calls are such a boost to my confidence and fulfillment because hearing men trusting and using the program tools and getting results is so awesome.

One of the biggest shifts you can make as a husband is shifting your focus to internal wins.

Focusing on internal wins feels counterintuitive AND it works. Just like for this TBH member:

Internal Win Mindset Shift You change the people around you by changing yourself. I was skeptical when I heard Endre Gabori say that we can change our marriage without our wives’ participation. I was a firm believer that when the people around me stopped acting a certain way it would open up space for me to be better. I’ll be a better husband when she stops nagging me. I’ll be a better father when the kids just listen and do what I tell them.

I have worked hard to drop expectations and be better. With just the small improvements in my own attitude and demeanor my kids have been more calm, communicative, and our relationship has improved. And my wife? She is a different person. Less guarded and when she sees me struggling she engages and supports me instead of withdrawing to protect herself from being hurt by my negative emotions.

Have you noticed that the more you focus on what your wife says or does (focusing on external wins), the less you get what you are looking for from her?

Instead she gets more distant. More frustrated. More cold. More unattractive.

As soon as you start to move away from that and really use internal wins to own and master your self-confidence:

  • Dependency on your wife starts to go away
  • You are now in full control of your confidence
  • Your happiness skyrockets

And on top of all this, the more you focus on internal wins, the more the external wins will start to come.

Huge game changer.

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